House No. 800, Sector A,
Kanju Township, Swat,
KP, 19201
Invoice Number | INV-0062 |
Order Number | SOFTTECH-00060 |
Invoice Date | 24th December 2020 |
Due Date | 30th June 2022 |
Total Due | PKR1,245,300.00 |
SAIF ZONE, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates
Payments for June/July
Rents - Salaries - Other Payments
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | Office Rent |
PKR35,000.00 | PKR35,000.00 |
1 | Electricity - Water Bills + Other expenses Other expenses (tea,coffee, tissues) + 20k meal |
PKR65,000.00 | PKR65,000.00 |
1 | Internet |
PKR22,500.00 | PKR22,500.00 |
1 | Salaries Developers : Asad 70k | Hamid 70k | Shahid 63k | Imran | Mannan 120k | Mehran 25k | Wajiha 20k | Nasir 35k | Fawad 25k | Kashif 80k 1 Office Boy 35k |
PKR1,000,000.00 | PKR1,000,000.00 |
1 | Employees Hostel + Mannan Half Rent + English Course Hostel Rents 17k + 8k Mannan half + 5*3 English |
PKR40,000.00 | PKR40,000.00 |
1 | Azhar Jehan Mir Account |
PKR21,800.00 | PKR21,800.00 |
1 | Fiber internet + SEO Tool + Employee of the month Fiber internet 9k + 2k SEO Tools monthly + Employee of the month 15k |
PKR26,000.00 | PKR26,000.00 |
1 | SEO Links Payments SEO Links Payments (Budget) |
PKR35,000.00 | PKR35,000.00 |
Sub Total | PKR1,245,300.00 |
VAT | PKR0.00 |
Total Due | PKR1,245,300.00 |